Land & plots for sale Nairobi
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What you need to know about buying land in Nairobi
Where is Nairobi?
Nairobi is the 47th county of the Republic of Kenya, with seventeen sub-counties. It is located in the center of the southern part of the country, neighboring Kajiado, Machakos, and Kiambu counties.
Which Plot Sizes Are Available in Nairobi?
These are the standard plot sizes available in Nairobi.
100*100(1/4 acre), 50*100(1/8 acre). 40*80, 50*80, etc.
Which Areas Have Plots Available for Sale in Nairobi?
You can find plots for sale anywhere in Nairobi, including the CBD. But, some areas are more developed than others, resulting in price differences. For example, you can get affordable residential plots in;
Ø Kamulu,
Ø Joska,
Ø Embakasi,
Ø Ruai, etc.
But, if you prefer living in prime areas that enjoy the highest level of security, then you should consider places like;
Ø Karen
Ø Runda,
Ø Muthaiga
Ø Gigiri
Ø Kilimani
Ø Upper hill.
Expatriates and wealthy individuals troop in these areas to build their dream homes.
Additionally, you will find areas that are purely suitable for commercial properties, such as the CBD, but the plots are pretty expensive. However, the outskirts of the Nairobi CBD, such as; Karen, Dagoretti, Kayole, Westlands, and related areas, have the potential for both residential and commercial investments.
What Are the Average Prices for Different Buyer Use Plot Options in Nairobi?
Plots prices in Nairobi are determined by their locations, and they have been skyrocketing in the past few years. Currently, the prices range from 800,000 in Malaa, Joska, or Ruai and over Ksh. Two hundred million in places like Karen and Westlands.
What Is the Procedure of Buying a Plot in Nairobi?
Here are ten legal procedures for buying a plot in Nairobi.
1. Identify a plot that meets your preferences, such as location and size. You can seek help from a reputable realtor company in Nairobi.
2. Conduct a site visit.
3. Perform a land search at the lands ministry, which costs Ksh 500.
4. Check with the county offices for unpaid rates and obtain a clearance certificate.
5. Obtain two maps from the ministry of lands or surveyor, one drawn to scale and the other one is an overview of the land. This process costs Ksh. 300.
6. Request a certified surveyor to visit the plot and confirm the map details.
7. Ask your advocate to prepare a purchase offer and price negotiation indicating your details and the seller’s details. He should describe the plot on offer clearly.
8. The seller’s advocate should prepare the sale agreement, indicating buyer and seller names, plot price, and the payment mode.
9. Clear with the land control board
1. Proceed to payment.
2. Apply for consent to transfer.
3. Pay for stump duty
4. Conduct a post-purchase with the land ministry to confirm the plot has been transferred to your name.
NOTE; This process may differ from seller to seller; professional guidance is paramount.
How Do You Do a plot Search in Nairobi?
1. Login to the e-Citizen portal.
2. Click on the ministry of lands click on land search.
3. Enter the title deed.
4. Confirm details and pay.
5. Once payment is confirmed, the result will appear on your account.
NB; you can opt to conduct a land search from the land registry office in Nairobi by presenting two copies of the title deed, KRA pin, and ID copy.
Why Should You Buy Plots in Nairobi?
Ø They are affordable
Ø Plots in Nairobi have lower costs such as tax and insurance.
Ø You enjoy long-term appreciation
Ø They have low maintenance costs
Ø There is an eternal demand and competition for commercial and residential housing in Nairobi and its environs which is good for business.
Ø Nairobi has a high economic growth rate
Ø Nairobi has essential basic amenities like health centers, schools, water, etc.
Ø Nairobi is the best place to live when getting started in your career.
Ø Host big government offices and institutions
Ø Nairobi has the best schools in the country, primary, secondary, and colleges.
Ø It has a favourable climate
Ø Nairobi has a good transport network aided by SGR and the old railway line.
What Kind of Buyer Use Options Are Available in Nairobi?
Nairobi County has a large population above four million residents, which makes it perfect for several land uses, for example:
· Commercial use
The rising demand for commercial housing in Nairobi is evident, and the area needs as many commercial buildings as possible. Areas with a potential commercial investment are Saika along Kangundo road, Ruai, Ngong road, Kitisuru, Lavington, Karen, Dagoreti, etc.
· Residential use
The Nairobi population is constantly rising, and so is the need for residential housing. Places like Pipeline and Kayole in Embakasi are highly-populated areas. Purchasing a plot in this location is a guaranteed success in real estate.
· Speculation
There are areas in Nairobi suitable for development and speculation if you are not ready for development. These are Kamulu neighbouring places are joska and malaa
Which Popular Companies Sell Plots in Nairobi?
Below are some of the leading realtor companies in Nairobi.
1. Villa care real estate
2. Azizi realtor in Kenya
3. Hassconsult real estate
4. Hayer One group
5. My space properties Nairobi.